Saturday, December 4, 2010

Advanced Happy Birthday Ading!

Yo brotha! Happy Birthday!

This afternoon we celebrated my youngest brother's birthday, he is turning 16 this coming December 6. We celebrated it by eating out in Mall Of Asia. We had trouble with the traffic along the way but we were able to get there and manage.

See.. it was a great afternoon!
Before heading to MOA we have already decided where to eat. It was decided that we were going to have a Cantonese, Korean and Japanese Cuisine thus, we eat in...

We arrived in MOA around 5pm but they didn't let us in just yet. They open at 530 and there was a list of a line of sorts that tells who came to reserve for a table ahead of time. When we arrived we were told that we have a table but it was outside. If three of those who listed earlier did not come when they get called we get in. Lucky for us, we got in. The food was amazing! We all ate till we bloated, figuratively but it may have been literal for some.


Those are not the only things I ate. After the picture above, I already focused on eating. Most of us went back and forth the buffet table getting something to grill or to get some sushi. I would not spoil what is there because seriously, you must go there and eat your heart out. They even have desserts prepared such as cake and other sweets. They have ice cream too!


It is all thanks to my brother and our parents.
You seriously should try it there. It is expensive but supercalifragalistically worth it.

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