Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yummiest Bars In Town

Since this blog has lately been more on food let me take the opportunity to introduce Pinky's Goodies. We have been having their 'bars' lately here at home and they are really good. My dad has been bringing some with him as pasalubong to his officemates every time he comes home from a project. My favorite among their various products such as Butterscotch and Food For The Gods would probably be the Mango Butterscotch. We just bought some the other day and I am looking forward into getting my hands into a couple or more of them later.

The branch we visited is along El Grande and this time they gave us free cookies, for being regular customers or for buying a lot that day I think. Anyway, you can visit them by driving along El Grande if you are around BF or check their website to check for an outlet closest to you. They also have a list of their products their if you are interested but I suggest you go to the closest outlet just so you won't have to wait too long to taste them.

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