Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dinelli Gourmet: Baguio

Baguio's Dinelli, together with other stores, is located on Camp John Hay's 'Filling Station'. 

 They serve salads, sausages, bread and a lot more.

For beverages, they serve coffee but also sell wine and maybe other alcoholic drinks for their customers to
take home.

I had their frankfurter when I was there and it tasted great as well as it looks. It would be one of the places to remember and return to. It is worth it and I look forward into seeing another branch to taste their other products. It really had that american feel because of the size of the hot dog, though I think they have it bigger where they are, but it gave out more taste than one would expect.

You can visit their website to see and know more about them.

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