Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Dog Tulip: A Review

Aside from my reading, I currently keep my self busy with watching movies and My Dog Tulip is just one of a few. I promise to try and not spoil anything if you haven't seen the movie. If you have you would know what I will be talking about.

Animated movies about dogs are easily spotted here and there, mostly targeting the younger generation as an audience. Not this movie. It takes a lot of patience and understanding with a whole lot of maturity to watch the movie. With scenes and languages found in the movie, it strongly suggest that one understands between the lines before running into any conclusion. However, it is easy to understand beyond that. The narrative flow is easy on the eyes and easy to follow. The animation is also quite amusing with how it was done.

It is under my list of those great movies to watch on a cold weather. With such a story of a man and his dog companion its uniqueness will bring warmth to you in a different way.Watching this movie is a definite must, especially if you are a dog lover.

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