Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Birthdays In Cafe Juanita

Last Sunday, November 28, our Tito Gani and Tita Petite celebrated their 48 and 50th birthdays respectively. I do not know any other married couple with identical birthdays. That just might be one of what makes them unique as a couple. They decided to celebrate their birthdays in Cafe Juanita.

Cafe Juanita is one of the unique restaurants I have been when it comes to the design. It is covered in different colors with patterns that reminds me of native Mayan culture. It gives that feel that once you enter the door you are warped into a whole different place. It separates the smoggy atmosphere of Pasig into that natural feel.

Aside from Cafe Juanita's unique interior, the food they served a buffet of Asian, but mostly Filipino, cuisines with great quality and taste.

It was hard not to go back and fort the buffet table just to try everything and to go back for more.

All you can eat, might be the keyword to get your attention. With the different food they serve and how delicious they all are, it is impossible for one to notice weight gain after going here. For food like that, who cares right?

To help you out, here is a map to help you get to Cafe Juanita. It is a definite, you should go try their food.
Disclaimer: Photos are not taken by me. They are from Tita Petitie De Guzman's Facebook.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Book Love

To read is to love and I have done very little reading lately. Stuck in a reality of time, imprisoned by tasks and chores with no choice but to obey. Ambition after ambition of every page waiting for my eyes to be laid upon on. Each title of each book calling out my name as they collect dust in my assorted cabinets for every day that passes. Three months ago I promised my self to finish reading at least one of them. Yet, here I am with an additional book to join their sad bandwagon of unread collections.

How I miss to read words not of my own. To smell printed ink on paper of stories out of this world. My imagination, dry after months of being untouched, yearns to be renewed. To refresh what once was and bring about new life in the art. My beating heart pounds into my blood the hunger of surreality that only stories can bring about.

If time would permit, book after book shall be read. Stories to flood the desiring brain of colors of every kind from every genre. Repainting the dull life with what should be, a disaster of colors that go with every bit of emotion brought about by word followed by word.

To read is to love and I desire to love greatly.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Of What She Draws

It takes talent, skill, patience and perseverance in the art of illustrations, portraits, paintings and the like. Drawing is a talent I wish I had. With the images in my head of things I like to show others. Like the simple beauty of how beautiful my beloved looks like. How she is the waves that brings life to the ocean. As I float in her vastness overwhelmed by her. No, I can not draw. She however, can.
Above is a portrait of me drawn in a notebook by me beloved. Quite a talent she has at drawing. She loves doing it too. She did a lot of drawings back then. She has not showed me a new one yet, though, I am sure she continues to. From portraits to surreal illustrations she manages to make it come together. Aside from drawing illustrations, she drew me, to her side to stay.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Magic In A Coffee Shop and of Burgers Filled With Love

The greatness of my day yesterday started out in this burger shop along Taft Ave. 
Yes, Zark's Burgers. Their huge burgers filled the hungry stomachs as my friend and I each devoured a share of what they called the "Shaq", assuming it was named after the NBA Superstar Shaquille O'Neal. While another friend of ours shared one of their burgers (which I didn't get the name of) with her boyfriend. This was not the first time I tasted one of their amazing burgers. The last and first time I ate there since yesterday was during their anniversary where in they had a discount on their "Jawbreaker". I am not sure but it seems similar to the picture above. Good times indeed.

The latter of that afternoon was spent with the same friends and a few others who I have just met that day. We hang out in Cafe Noriter which was also along Taft Ave. We did not do much but fool around and play this weird but fun game. 

As evening set in I set for SM MOA to watch the much awaited screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. 
In comparison to the rest of the Harry Potter movie series,  part 1 of the Deathly Hallows is definitely one that readers of the series would enjoy. I would not want to spoil how the movie went, despite many would really know what already happened, just so you can enjoy the movie yourself. Don't wait for it to be out for download or in DVD, get your butt up that chair and hit the cinemas.

Of course I would not forget the reason of all reasons as to why yesterday, today and tomorrow will always be great. 

How many months has it been since she drew this on this cup on Noriter? I don't remember. What I know is I enjoyed spending my time with her as I always do. I enjoyed watching the movie with her as well. What you think I would watch it alone? Nah. I was on a movie date last night and we watched our favorite book series together. Oh boy yes, was it a day.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Education via a networked school service

Education, an important source of beginnings in different aspects. It is what brings realization, curiosity, imagination and the like to the instinct of human nature. It is the mother of knowledge. The reason as to why in continuing times people question everything.

It is sad to say however, not everyone is blessed with the opportunity to go through it due to the lack of resources. In our country, the Philippines, a great population of the masses and those living in the rural provinces are uneducated. Despite the combination of want and need for knowledge those who are in these areas are robbed of that opportunity because of their social status.

Last Friday, November 12, our class visited Bagac, Bataan. A school was put up by the De La Salle brothers. The Jaime Hilario Integrated School La Salle. The class was tasked to teach different grade levels on different topics given by our professor.

Our group's topic was about flood control to be taught to grade 2 students. The area was near the river and the ocean. Therefore, if rain would come it would be easy for water to reach their areas. It was mentioned to us that thorough planning was not really made. It was the result of the genuine desire to help these people who clearly were in need.

It was not easy teaching grade 2 students. Their energies were hyped when we were there. They listened to us as we spoke, however, when it came to the activities they were all out that it might have turned into a mess. These are kids, what could we do? Still trying to take the situations in control our lecture and games with them ended peacefully but quite late due to the fun we were having.

Standing on the different side of the table showed me the importance of education in everyone. These students who have been given the opportunity are lucky as we are for being able to experience it. Sadly, some just waste it away unmindful of the doors that would open before them with this in their arsenal.

There is a vast ocean of information to be gathered as knowledge. Learning never ends as everything around us keeps changing.
Creative Commons License
Digital Monochrome by Samuel Estuesta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at black-thru-white.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at eastwestsamuel@gmail.com.