Saturday, November 20, 2010

Of What She Draws

It takes talent, skill, patience and perseverance in the art of illustrations, portraits, paintings and the like. Drawing is a talent I wish I had. With the images in my head of things I like to show others. Like the simple beauty of how beautiful my beloved looks like. How she is the waves that brings life to the ocean. As I float in her vastness overwhelmed by her. No, I can not draw. She however, can.
Above is a portrait of me drawn in a notebook by me beloved. Quite a talent she has at drawing. She loves doing it too. She did a lot of drawings back then. She has not showed me a new one yet, though, I am sure she continues to. From portraits to surreal illustrations she manages to make it come together. Aside from drawing illustrations, she drew me, to her side to stay.

Creative Commons License
Digital Monochrome by Samuel Estuesta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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