Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Birthdays In Cafe Juanita

Last Sunday, November 28, our Tito Gani and Tita Petite celebrated their 48 and 50th birthdays respectively. I do not know any other married couple with identical birthdays. That just might be one of what makes them unique as a couple. They decided to celebrate their birthdays in Cafe Juanita.

Cafe Juanita is one of the unique restaurants I have been when it comes to the design. It is covered in different colors with patterns that reminds me of native Mayan culture. It gives that feel that once you enter the door you are warped into a whole different place. It separates the smoggy atmosphere of Pasig into that natural feel.

Aside from Cafe Juanita's unique interior, the food they served a buffet of Asian, but mostly Filipino, cuisines with great quality and taste.

It was hard not to go back and fort the buffet table just to try everything and to go back for more.

All you can eat, might be the keyword to get your attention. With the different food they serve and how delicious they all are, it is impossible for one to notice weight gain after going here. For food like that, who cares right?

To help you out, here is a map to help you get to Cafe Juanita. It is a definite, you should go try their food.
Disclaimer: Photos are not taken by me. They are from Tita Petitie De Guzman's Facebook.

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Digital Monochrome by Samuel Estuesta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at black-thru-white.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at eastwestsamuel@gmail.com.