Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well actually we passed by Our Lady of Manaoag before heading to Dagupan. We visited the shrine there and offered some prayers.

We didn't know that they have remodeled the part where you would light a candle and added a fountain with Our Lady in the center. It looks and fits much better than it did before.

We then headed next to Dagupan. There we spent our lunch and slept over. Most of our relatives are there while some spent their vacation elsewhere. 

Apparently, they brought a new memeber, uhm... they don't have a name for the dog above as far as we know. We kept calling him a lot of names as we tried to decide which one to give. At the end not a single name was used and the pup remains unnamed.

That's the most of our vacation. The next day, we headed back to Villasis to grab some early lunch and sacks of rice. Right after, we headed home.

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