Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thor(2011) Review

A Marvel studios film directed by Kenneth Branagh and starred Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston and Anthony Hopkins among many characters in the film. Greatly directed showing the drama of romance, brotherly rivalry and tight fight scenes. It definitely is an eye candy of a movie, especially when watched in 3D. It is a must to watch it in 3D as, so far, it has been the most detailed film that used the technology. Other than using 3D to make audiences see something approaching the screen, they used 3D to emphasize on the depth of the surroundings. It surely was a great experience. Well, for the ladies Hemsworth's body is enough of an eye candy. Anyway, I just didn't see Portman on her character. It is not that it does not suite her and that she was not good but it just didn't fit her. She did not do much in the film too, so far.

That's just me and I hope you take my word for it because it really is a great movie.

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