Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Alma de Cuba: Latin Grill and Cantina

Along Aguirre, Alma de Cuba is one of the unnoticed restaurants in BF. Smack in the heart of BF, this restaurant houses one of the best Ribs in the history of Ribs ever since Racks. Although they are of different category of food origin they serve almost the same kinds of dishes. Ribs, chicken wings, etc they have it. The only difference might be the side dishes served because ADC serves nachos and stuff.

I hate to say it but people I feel ashamed to have only noticed the restaurant now. Most people would judge a place on how crowded it is when they haven't actually tasted the meals. Alma De Cuba deserves to be noticed. It isn't one of the kind but it sure is one of the best of its kind out there.

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