Friday, January 7, 2011

First Week of 2011

On the midnight of the first day of 2011, our family had a simple celebration of watching fireworks our surroundings provided with us. We aren't the type who colors the night sky due to asthma being in our family. It has always been enough to watch the pretty lights and noise. We all went in when the smoke out was getting really thick.

Media Noche was pretty heavy, plus we had red wine. If I remember correctly we had ham, some burritos and that pasta I could not recall what it was called(Marinella?)

I would have opted to update you about what happened throughout this week, however, to be honest nothing much has happened after the festivities.

Another term in college has started last Wednesday, January 5, and in my part, it did not end well. I was supposed to be taking a major subject which might not push through. There is a lack of professors to teach that subject for the students requesting for it. This would mean that we are going to get further delayed. I have been really working to pass all my subjects to be able to graduate already. I feel old being in school and I really want to start making my own money.

After going to school for paying tuition, attending class, adjusting, etc, I would go straight home. I do not find spending idle time enjoyable anymore. meh. I have yet to see what is in store, since after all it is only the beginning.

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