Sunday, January 9, 2011

Annual Family Reunion

 Every first or second Sunday of the start of the year, the Estuesta family gathers to celebrate another year of being together. We commemorate those who started the idea of having a reunion every year and to all those who at the beginning of the year are already in a better place. This annual tradition started in Alabang Hills, but a milestone has been obtained and was able to move forward elsewhere.

This year's reunion was celebrated in Aunt Betty's house in Pasig. It was a great place to hold the reunion with the great amount of space provided. A lot of them were already there when we arrived around 11-ish. It was great to see their faces that we have missed. As the years continue to go forth, there have been a lot of kids included in the family. I mean, since the batch my brother's and myself are included, there was an absence of kids.

One of the expected highlights of the reunion was the intermission during the raffle. For the past years, my brothers and myself have did a lot of performances. This year, we heard a lot of voices and different talents. There were also games which showed skill. Lol

The weather did not cooperate as much as we expected. I don't remember a lot of reunions where in which it rained but this is one of those that it did. No complains here the rain gave us a cold weather which was better compared to hot heads under the sun.

Everyone was happy at the end of the day. Full with food and going home with a smiles :D

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